Reading and Writing
用於 buffered input 和 output
最簡單的 input 方式是使用 fmt 的 Scan 方法
var firstName, lastName string
fmt.Scanln(&firstName, &lastName)
從 standard input 讀取 text,以空白隔開的輸入,直到掃到 newline
, Fscanf
, Sscanf
透過 format string 來 parse 參數
透過 keyboard 輸入Sscanf
透過其他 string 輸入
透過 bufio
// os.Stdin 滿足 io.Reader
inputReader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println("Please enter some input: ")
input, err = inputReader.ReadString('\n')
// err 是 io.EOF 如果讀到結尾的話
os.Stdout 是指印在 screen 上
允許從任何滿足 Reader 的 type 來讀取輸入
Reading from a file
在 golang,Files 是透過 os.File
的物件指標,也叫 file handles
- os.Stdin 和 os.Stdout 都是 *os.File 類型
func main() {
inputFile, inputError := os.Open("input.dat")
if inputError != nil {
fmt.Printf("An error occurred on opening the inputfile\n" +
"Does the file exist?\n" +
"Have you got access to it?\n")
return // exit the function on error
defer inputFile.Close()
inputReader := bufio.NewReader(inputFile)
for {
inputString, readerError := inputReader.ReadString('\n')
if readerError == io.EOF {
fmt.Printf("The input was: %s", inputString)
func data(name string) string {
f := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
defer f.Close() // idiomatic Go code!
contents := io.ReadAll(f)
return contents
func main() {
inputFile := "products.txt"
// buf 讀出來是 []byte
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inputFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "File Error: %s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(buf))
如果檔案很大的話要避免使用 ReadFile 做一次讀取,很吃記憶體
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := inputReader.Read(buf)
if (n == 0) { break}
// n 是取的 bytes 數量
_, err := fmt.Fscanln(file, &v1, &v2, &v3) // scans until newline
defer file.close()
package 的filepaht
提供 os platform 操作 檔名 和 路徑 的功能
可透過 compress
package 讀取壓縮檔
- bzip2
- flate
- gzip
- lzw
- zlib
func main() {
fName := "Example.json.gz"
var r *bufio.Reader
fi, err := os.Open(fName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v, Can't open %s: error: %s\n", os.Args[0], fName, err)
fz, err := gzip.NewReader(fi)
if err != nil {
r = bufio.NewReader(fi)
} else {
r = bufio.NewReader(fz)
for {
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Done reading file")
Writing data to a file
func main () {
outputFile, outputError := os.OpenFile("output/output.dat", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if outputError != nil {
fmt.Printf("An error occurred with file creation\n")
defer outputFile.Close()
outputWriter:= bufio.NewWriter(outputFile)
outputString := "hello world!\n"
for i:=0; i<10; i++ {
- os.O_RDONLY: read-only
- os.O_WRONLY: write-only
- os.O_RDWR: both read and write
- os.O_CREATE: create the file if it doesn’t exist
- os.O_TRUNC: to truncate to size 0 if the file already exists
fmt.Fprintf(outputFile, "Some test data.\n")
上面的方法可以寫入任何的 io.Writer
func main() {
os.Stdout.WriteString("hello, world\n")
f, _ := os.OpenFile("output/test.txt", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0)
defer f.Close()
f.WriteString("hello, world in a file\n")
使用 ioutil
package 讀寫檔案
type Page struct {
Title string
Body []byte
func (p *Page) save() error {
filename := p.Title + ".txt"
return ioutil.WriteFile(filename, p.Body, 0600)
func load(title string) (*Page, error) {
filename := title + ".txt"
body, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Page{Title: title, Body: body}, nil
copy file 就是開啟兩個 file 檔案以後,透過 io.Copy 去做
func CopyFile(dstName, srcName string) (written int64, err error) {
src, err := os.Open(srcName)
if err != nil {
defer src.Close()
dst, err := os.OpenFile(dstName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
if err != nil {
defer dst.Close()
return io.Copy(dst, src)
Reading arguments from the command-line
提供了 slice of string 來裝 command-line 引數
是程式名稱- os.Args[1:] 都是引數字串
package 專門用來處理 運行程式時的引數
// iterate os.Args
var s string
for i := 0; i < flag.NArg(); i++ {
s += flag.Arg(i)
注意 flag.Arg 和 os.Args 是不一樣的
- flag.Arg 是指轉換之後的參數
func cat(f *os.File) {
const NBUF = 512
var buf [NBUF]byte
for {
switch nr, err := f.Read(buf[:]); true {
case nr < 0:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cat: error reading: %s\n", err.Error())
case nr == 0: // EOF
case nr > 0:
if nw, ew := os.Stdout.Write(buf[0:nr]); nw != nr {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cat: error writing: %s\n")
Scanning inputs
讀取 stdin 的資料
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println("Please enters some input: ")
if scanner.Scan() {
fmt.Println("The input was", scanner.Text())
另一個用 bufio 讀取輸入的範例
func main() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println("Please enter some input: ")
// scanner.Split(bufio.ScanRunes) // <-- scan runes (newline included)
scanner.Split(bufio.ScanWords) // <-- scan words (sequence of characters delimited by spaces)
// scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) // <-- the default: scan lines
for scanner.Scan(){ // The for loop stops when a EOF is given
fmt.Printf("Token ->%s<-\n", scanner.Text())
Never forget to use Flush() when terminating buffered writing, else the last output won’t be written.
The JSON data format
- data struct -> special format string
- marshaling or decoding
- special format string to data strcut
- unmarshaling or decoding
示意範例,把 data 轉成 json
// 透過 json.Marshal
js, _ := json.Marshal(vc)
// 或
// 透過 Encoder
enc := json.NewEncoder(file)
err := enc.Encode(vc)
golang type whit JSON format
for JSON booleansfloat64
for JSON numbersstring
for JSON stringsnil
for JSON null
為了 Encode go map type,必須使用 map[string]T
只有 exported 的欄位會被 json package 存取
type FamilyMember struct {
Name string
Age int
Parents []string
// b 是 byte slice
var m FamilyMember
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &m)
Decoding arbitrary data
package 使用 map[string]interface{}
和 []interface{}
來存 JSON objects 和 arrays
b := []byte(`{"Name": "Wednesday", "Age": 6, "Parents": ["Gomez", "Morticia"]}`)
var f interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &f)
// f 變成
"Name": "Wednesday",
"Age": 6,
"Parents": []interface{}{
另一個 marshal / unmarshal 的範例
type Person struct {
Name string `json:"personName"`
Age int `json:"personAge"`
func main() {
b := []byte(`{"personName": "Obama", "personAge": 57}`)
var p Person
// Unmarshalling
json.Unmarshal(b, &p)
// Marshalling
js, _ := json.Marshal(p)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", js)
The XML Data format
就像 json package 一樣,也支援 marshal / unmarshal
使用 encoding/xml
type Person struct {
Name string `xml:"personName"`
Age int `xml:"personAge"`
func main() {
b := []byte(`<Person><personName>Obama</personName><personAge>57</personAge></Person>`)
var p Person
// Unmarshalling
xml.Unmarshal(b, &p)
// Marshalling
xmlString, _ := xml.Marshal(p)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", xmlString)
Unmarshal vs NewDecoder
如果是 in memory 的 data (ex: some user input) 使用 unmarshal
如果是 streaming (ex: file) 使用 NewDecoder
暫不對 XML 多做紀錄,先跳過
gob 是 golang 對資料做成 2進位制格式的 serializing / deserializing
- 不可跨語言
使用 encoding
gob (short for Go binary format)
通常用在 remote procedure calls (RPCs)
或用在 application 和 machine 之間的通訊
type P struct {
X, Y, Z int
Name string
type Q struct {
X, Y *int32
Name string
func main() {
// Initialize the encoder and decoder. Normally enc and dec would be
// bound to network connections and the encoder and decoder would
// run in different processes.
var network bytes.Buffer // Stand-in for a network connection
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&network) // Will write to network.
dec := gob.NewDecoder(&network)// Will read from network.
// Encode (send) the value.
err := enc.Encode(P{3, 4, 5, "Pythagoras"})
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("encode error:", err)
// Decode (receive) the value.
var q Q
err = dec.Decode(&q)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("decode error:", err)
fmt.Printf("%q: {%d,%d}\n", q.Name, *q.X, *q.Y)
gob 等有常用的時候再補充,先跳過
Cryptography with Go
- adler32
- crc32
- crc64
- fnv
- md5
- sha1
- aes
- rc4
- rsa
- x509
func main() {
hasher := sha1.New()
io.WriteString(hasher, "test")
b := []byte{}
fmt.Printf("Result: %x\n", hasher.Sum(b))
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", hasher.Sum(b))
data := []byte("We shall overcome!")
n, err := hasher.Write(data)
if n!=len(data) || err!=nil {
log.Printf("Hash write error: %v / %v", n, err)
checksum := hasher.Sum(b)
fmt.Printf("Result: %x\n", checksum)
Error-Handling and Testing
go makes a distinction between critical and non-critical errors:
non-critical errors are returned as normal return values,
whereas for critical errors, the panic-recover mechanism is used.
Always assign an error to a variable within a compound if-statement; this makes for clearer code.
如果要停止執行程式的話,可以用 os.Exit(1)
透過 errors.New("")
建立新的 error-type
err := errors.New("math - square root of negative number")
- Error type 以
為 suffix (如: json.SyntaxError) - Error variable 以
為 prefix (如: syscall.Errno)
也是做成一個 error object
run-time panic
- 會搭配一個 runtime.Error 的 value
- program 會 crash 並提示 runtime.Error 的 message
- 這個 value 有
可以在 panic 之後繼續執行
因為 panic 而程式中止,其中止流程稱為 panicking
standard library 如果有 method 是以
為 prefix 的話,表示出錯會造成 panic
是用來停止 panicking 的,可以重新拿回掌控權
- 只用在
function - recover() return nil
func protect(g func()) {
defer func() {
log.Println("done") // Println executes normally even if there is a panic
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Printf("run time panic: %v", err)
g() // possible runtime-error
log.Fatal 會在紀錄 log 後呼叫 os.Exit(1),立刻終止程式
log.Panic 會在紀錄 log 後呼叫 panic
func badCall() {
panic("bad end")
func test() {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
fmt.Printf("Panicking %s\r\n", e);
fmt.Printf("After bad call\r\n");
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Calling test\r\n");
fmt.Printf("Test completed\r\n");
一定要在自己的 package 內對 panic 做 recover
- 不要跨越 package 的界線
- 回傳的錯誤要是自己 package 包過的 error value
要透過 defer - recover() 回傳 error 的話
那個 function 的回傳值要先給他名稱
func Parse(input string) (numbers []int, err error)
func Parse(input string) (numbers []int, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
var ok bool
err, ok = r.(error)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("pkg: %v", r)
fields := strings.Fields(input)
numbers = fields2numbers(fields)
如果每個 function 都要自己實作 recover() 的話會很亂
可參考下列方式 透過 closure 的做法在原本的流程以外補上 defer - recover()
func errorHandler(fn fType1) fType1 {
return func(a type1, b type2) {
defer func() {
if e, ok := recover().(error); ok {
log.Printf("run time panic: %v", err)
fn(a, b)
都可以呼叫 os 執行 command
範例,panic 發生的話重啟程式
func ultraCrazyFunction() {
prog := os.Args[0]
e := recover()
if e != nil {
// In case of panic, try to restart the entire application:
cmd := exec.Command(prog)
err := cmd.Run()
// If that fails, log the error
if err != nil {
func main() {
defer ultraCrazyFunction()
檔案是不會被 compile 的,只有在 go test
func (t *T) Fail()
: 測試失敗,但繼續執行func (t *T) FailNow()
: 測試失敗,停止此檔案繼續執行,跳至下個檔案執行func (t *T) Log(args ...interface{})
: text 會被記錄在 error-logfunc (t *T) Fatal(args ...interface{})
: 功能是Log()
加上 `FailNow()
測試 benchmark 的話是
為名稱並使用 *testing.B 參數,呼叫
go test –test.bench=.*
func BenchmarkReverse(b *testing.B) {
go test -v <package name>
可以單測指定的 package
Investigating Performance
紀錄 go test 的一些數據
go test -cpuprofile -memprofile -bench
透過 pprof 紀錄資訊
var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
func main() {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
defer f.close()
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
執行程式後 會生成 對應的檔案
接著就可以用 go tool 來查看
go tool pprof
其他類似的 go tool 還有
- top
- 顯示 10 個 loading 最重的 function
- web or web funcname
- 需安裝
工具才可以看 - 把 profile data 畫成 SVG 圖
- 顯示 function 呼叫的流程圖
- 需安裝
- list funcname or weblist funcname
- 可以看出來哪段 code 最吃效能
- 如果
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
if *memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memprofile)
if err != nil {
指令 可以生成上面程式的 profile 檔案
progexec -memprofile=progexec.mprof
再用 go tool 工具看
go tool pprof progexec.mprof
Goroutines and Channels
goroutine 執行的時候會使用 segmented stack 動態成長
stack management 是自動的
任何數量的 goroutine 都可以被更少數量的 thread 執行
go func(){
可以開始跑 function,在相同的 address,各自有自己的 stack
時是可以運行 goroutine 的
來提高 concurrent 的效能
- 告訴 runtime 有多少個 goroutine 可以平行的執行
goroutine 彼此間是獨立的運行單位
範例,使用 sync.WaitGroup
func HeavyFunction1(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// Do a lot of stuff
func HeavyFunction2(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// Do a lot of stuff
func main() {
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go HeavyFunction1(wg)
go HeavyFunction2(wg)
fmt.Printf("All Finished!")
未初始化的 channel value 是 nil
var identifier chan datatype
// 用 make 初始化
var ch1 chan string
ch1 = make(chan string)
// 或
ch1 := make(chan string)
// others
// channel of channels of int
chanOfChans := make(chan chan int)
// channel of functions
funcChan := make(chan func())
channel 事實上是一個 typed message queue,是 First In First Out 的結構
channel 是 reference type,使用 make 來配置記憶體位址
channel 是 first-class object,可以被存在變數,也可以傳給 function
甚至是把自己傳給 channel
channel 用完的話要關閉 close(ch)
傳送資料到 channel,`ch <- int1``
從 channel 拉資料出來 int2 := <- ch
命名習慣上會用 ch
或 包含 chan
The channel
operations are atomic which means they always complete without interruption.
因為可能有時間延遲,不要用 print 的方式來辨識 goroutine 的執行先後
By default, communication 是同步的,而且是 unbuffered
- 即 send 操作要等到 receiver 接收才算完成
- buffered channel 的溝通是 synchronous 的
deadlock 是指當 unbuffered channel 的 sender 和 receiver 同時等待彼此
asynchronous channels 用 buffered channel
- 除非 buffer 滿了(才會造成 block),不然 sender 可以一直 send 東西進 channel
- 除非 buffer 空了(才會造成 block),不然 receiver 可以一直從 channel receive 東西
可以回傳 channel 的 capacity
buf := 100
ch1 := make(chan string, buf)
// buf 是指這個 channel 可以放多少 element 進去
設計時都先考慮 unbuffered channel,做不到或有問題時再改用 buffered channel
semaphore pattern (旗號模式)
當 concurrent goroutine 做完事情以後,發訊號進 channel 通知 main goroutine 他做完 (ready) 了
- 常見做法是先 block 住 main program,可把
放在 main 的後段
type Empty interface {}
var empty Empty
data := make([]float64, N)
res := make([]float64, N)
sem := make(chan Empty, N) // semaphore
for i, xi := range data {
go func (i int, xi float64) {
res[i] = doSomething(i,xi)
sem <- empty
} (i, xi)
// wait for goroutines to finish
for i := 0; i < N; i++ { <-sem }
要注意把 index (參數) 傳進 goroutine 的時候要用 copy
不然等到 goroutine 執行的時候如果被改掉,值就會不正確
透過 buffered channel 來做到 mutex
- buffered channel 的 capacity 是我們要 synchronize 的資源數量
- length (當前 buffered channel 的 item 數量) 是當前的資源使用情況
- capacity 扣掉 length 就是 channel 的 free resources 數量
type Empty interface {}
type semaphore chan Empty
sem = make(semaphore, N)
// acquire n resources
func (s semaphore) P(n int) {
e := new(Empty)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
s <- e
// release n resources
func (s semaphore) V(n int) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// 實作 mutex
/* mutexes */
func (s semaphore) Lock() {
func (s semaphore) Unlock() {
/* signal-wait */
func (s semaphore) Wait(n int) {
func (s semaphore) Signal() {
Channel Factory and Producer-Consumer Pattern
不傳 channel 進 goroutine
讓 function 建立 channel 並回傳 (像 factory 來建立)
func main() {
func pump() chan int {
ch := make(chan int)
go func() {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
ch <- i
return ch
func suck(ch chan int) {
go func() {
for v := range ch {
用 for-range 來接收 channel 的資料
直到 channel close 以前都會一直處於讀取狀態 (沒收到資料的話會 block 住)
會透過另一個 goroutine 來傳送資料 並在結束時 close channel
for v := range ch {
fmt.Printf("The value is %v\n",v)
上面的範例可以整理成 Producer-Consumer pattern
- producer 傳出 channel 給 consumer 接來用
for {
Channel 的方向性
var send_only chan<- int // data can only be sent (written) to the channel
var recv_only <-chan int // data can only be received (read) from the channel
<-chan T
是唯讀的 channel,無法被 close,因為 close 是給 sender goroutine 用的通知結束訊號,即不再傳送資料
var c = make(chan int) // bidirectional
go source(c)
go sink(c)
func source(ch chan<- int) {
for { ch <- 1 } // sending data to ch channel
func sink(ch <-chan int) {
for { <-ch } // receiving data from ch channel
Channel iterator pattern
func (c *container) Iter () <-chan items {
ch := make(chan item)
go func () {
for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ { // or use a for-range loop
ch <- c.items[i]
} ()
return ch
// 透過上述的包裝,變成可以直接用 range 取值
for x := range container.Iter() { ... }
缺點: 如果程式異常終止的話,goroutine 不會被 GC 回收
Pipe and filter pattern
從一個 input channel 接收資料處例後再透過 output channel 送出資料
sendChan := make(chan int)
receiveChan := make(chan string)
go processChannel(sendChan, receiveChan)
func processChannel(in <-chan int, out chan<- string) {
for inValue := range in {
result:= ... // processing inValue
out <- result
通道不總是需要被關閉,必要時才關,像是當 receiver 必須被告知已不需接收資料的時候
只有 sender 應該關閉通道,永遠不會是 receiver 來關
- 傳送資料進去會 panic
- 關閉已關閉通道會 panic
// 好的習慣 用 defer 關閉
ch := make(chan float64)
defer close(ch)
v, ok := <-ch // ok is true if v received a value
// 表示如果對已關閉 channel 拿資料會拿到 zero value, false
// 合併使用
if v, ok := <-ch; ok {
// 如果是在回圈內的話,可以使用 break 跳出
v, ok := <-ch
if !ok {
// process(v)
接收寫成 for-loop 比較好,因為會自動偵測 channel 是否被關閉
for input := range ch {
透過 select
搭配 switch
可以做到等待多個 go routine
稱為 comminications switch
注意: 此種方法不能使用 fallthrough
select 結束時機點
- 碰到 break
- 碰到 return
- 如果所有 case 都 block,就會一直 block 中
- 如果 default 以外的都 block,則執行 default
- 如果同時多個 case 可以取值,則隨機取
select {
case u:= <- ch1:
case v:= <- ch2:
default: // no value ready to be received
在 select 內使用 send operation 配上 default
可以確保 send 會是 non-blocking 的
select 實作了一種 listener pattern,通常用在 infinite loop
當條件達到時才透過 break
close 的 channel 可以隨意讀值 (空值)
Nulling idiom
func iter(b int, c chan int) {
for i := 0; i < b; i++ {
c <- i // put integers from 0 to n-1 on channel c
func main() {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1]) // line arg. converted to integer
a := make(chan int)
b := make(chan int)
go iter(n, a)
go iter(n, b)
for a != nil || b != nil {
select {
case x, ok := <- a: // takes int value from channel a
if ok {
go fmt.Println(x)
} else { // if channel a is closed
a = nil
case y, ok := <- b: // takes int value from channel b
if ok {
} else { // if channel b is closed
b = nil
Server backend pattern
// Backend goroutine.
func backend() {
for {
select {
case cmd := <-ch1:
// Handle ...
case cmd := <-ch2:
case cmd := <-chStop:
// stop server
func backend() {
for req := range chRequest {
switch req.Subject() {
case A1: // Handle case ...
case A2: // Handle case ...
// Handle illegal request ...
// ...
會一直傳送時間給 C
呼叫 Stop()
會停止,通常用在 defer
type Ticker struct {
C <-chan Time // the channel on which the ticks are delivered.
// contains filtered or unexported fields
// 使用情況
ticker := time.NewTicker(updateInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()...
select {
case u:= <- ch1: ...
case v:= <- ch2: ...
case <- ticker.C: logState(status) // e.g. call some logging function logState
default: // no value ready to be received ...
// 另一個範例 透過 time.Tick 來做時間限制管理
import "time"
rate_per_sec := 10
var dur Duration = 1e9 / rate_per_sec
chRate := time.Tick(dur) // a tick every 1/10th of a second
for req := range requests {
<- chRate // rate limit our Service.Method RPC calls
go client.Call("Service.Method", req, ...)
func main() {
tick := time.Tick(1e8)
boom := time.After(5e8)
for {
select {
case <-tick:
case <-boom:
fmt.Println(" .")
是固定 period 可以收到一次資料After()
Simple Timeout Pattern
版本 1
timeout := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
time.Sleep(1e9) // one second
timeout <- true
select {
case <-ch: // a read from ch has occurred
case <-timeout: // the read from ch has timed out
版本 2
ch := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
ch <- client.Call("Service.Method", args, &reply)
select {
case resp := <-ch: // use resp and reply
case <-time.After(timeoutNs): // call timed out
buffer size 1 是必要的,用來避免 deadlock 並確保 timeout channel 可被 GC
版本 3 (範例: 只要最快跑完的那筆 query)
func Query(conns []Conn, query string) Result {
ch := make(chan Result, 1)
for _, conn := range conns {
go func(c Conn) {
select {
case ch <- c.DoQuery(query):
return <- ch
Recovering with goroutines
goroutine 內部自己可以做 defer recover
這樣掛掉的話不會影響其他 go routine
func server(workChan <-chan *Work) {
for work := range workChan {
go safelyDo(work) // start the goroutine for that work
func safelyDo(work *Work) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Printf("work failed with %s in %v:", err, work)
// the failing goroutine is stopped
如果不是放在 defer 的話,就只會回傳 nil
Tasks and Worker Processes
假設有多個 task 要執行,每個 task 由一個 worker 處理
type Task struct {
// some state
第一種方式: 透過 shared memory 來做 synchronize
tasks pool 是 shared memory. 為了 sync 工作且避免 race condition,要加上 Mutex
type Pool struct {
Mu sync.Mutex
Tasks []Task
func Worker(pool *Pool) {
for {
// begin critical section:
task := pool.Tasks[0] // take the first task
pool.Tasks = pool.Tasks[1:] // update the pool of tasks
// end critical section
一個 worker 鎖住 pool,從 pool 拿出第一個 task,再解鎖 pool,執行 task
lock 確保一次只有一個 worker 可以存取 pool
task 被指派給唯一一個 process
工作一多的話會頻繁的 lock - unlock,會降低效能
第二種方式: 使用 channel
使用 channels of Tasks
來做 synchronize
- 一個 pending channel 接收 requested tasks
- 一個 done channel 接收完成的 tasks (結果)
func main() {
pending, done := make(chan *Task), make(chan *Task)
go sendWork(pending) // put tasks to do on the channel
for i := 0; i < N; i++ { // start N goroutines to do work
go Worker(pending, done)
consumeWork(done) // continue with the processed tasks
func Worker(in, out chan *Task) {
for {
t := <-in
out <- t
如果 tasks 增加了,就增加 worker 數量
從 channel 讀取和傳送資料是 atomic 操作
我們無法預期哪個 task 會被哪個 process 處理
sync.Mutex vs Channel
使用 sync.Mutex
- cache information 在 shared data structure 的時候
- holding state information (如: 執行中程序的 context 或 status)
使用 channels 當
- 通訊 asynchronous results
- 分散 units of work
- 傳遞 data 的 ownership
如果發現使用 locking 時的 rule 太複雜,可以考慮使用 channel 來做簡化
實作 Lazy Generator
generator 是一個會依序回傳下一個值的 function
generateInteger() => 0
generateInteger() => 1
generateInteger() => 2
也稱作 Lazy Evaluation,表示只有在需要的時候計算,節省資源
var resume chan int
func integers() chan int {
yield := make (chan int)
count := 0
go func () {
for {
yield <- count
} ()
return yield
func generateInteger() int {
return <-resume
func main() {
resume = integers()
fmt.Println(generateInteger()) //=> 0
fmt.Println(generateInteger()) //=> 1
fmt.Println(generateInteger()) //=> 2
很難的範例 (General Lazy Evaluation)
type Any interface{}
type EvalFunc func(Any) (Any, Any)
func main() {
evenFunc := func(state Any) (Any, Any) {
os := state.(int)
ns := os + 2
return os, ns
even := BuildLazyIntEvaluator(evenFunc, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%vth even: %v\n", i, even())
func BuildLazyEvaluator(evalFunc EvalFunc, initState Any) func() Any {
retValChan := make(chan Any)
loopFunc := func() {
var actState Any = initState
var retVal Any
for {
retVal, actState = evalFunc(actState)
retValChan <- retVal
retFunc := func() Any {
return <-retValChan
go loopFunc()
return retFunc
func BuildLazyIntEvaluator(evalFunc EvalFunc, initState Any) func() int {
ef := BuildLazyEvaluator(evalFunc, initState)
return func() int {
return ef().(int)
functions are values in Go, and so are closures.
Typical client-server pattern
type Request struct {
a, b int
replyc chan int // reply channel inside the Request
type binOp func(a, b int) int
func run(op binOp, req *Request) {
req.replyc <- op(req.a, req.b)
func server(op binOp, service chan *Request) {
for {
req := <-service // requests arrive here
// start goroutine for request:
go run(op, req) // don't wait for op
func startServer(op binOp) chan *Request {
reqChan := make(chan *Request)
go server(op, reqChan)
return reqChan
func main() {
adder := startServer(func(a, b int) int { return a + b })
const N = 100
var reqs [N]Request
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
req := &reqs[i]
req.a = i
req.b = i + N
req.replyc = make(chan int)
adder <- req
// checks:
for i := N - 1; i >= 0; i-- { // doesn't matter what order
if <-reqs[i].replyc != N+2*i {
fmt.Println("fail at", i)
} else {
fmt.Println("Request ", i, " is ok!")
Shutting down the server
func startServer(op binOp) (service chan *Request, quit chan bool) {
service = make(chan *Request)
quit = make(chan bool)
go server(op, service, quit)
return service, quit
func server(op binOp, service chan *request, quit chan bool) {
for {
select {
case req := <-service:
go run(op, req)
case <-quit:
典型的 sequential pipelining algorithm
func SerialProcessData (in <- chan *Data, out chan <- *Data) {
for data := range in {
tmpA := PreprocessData(data)
tmpB := ProcessStepA(tmpA)
tmpC := ProcessStepB(tmpB)
out <- PostProcessData(tmpC)
func ParallelProcessData (in <-chan *Data, out chan <- *Data) {
// make channels:
preOut := make(chan *Data, 100)
stepAOut := make(chan *Data, 100)
stepBOut := make(chan *Data, 100)
stepCOut := make(chan *Data, 100)
// start parallel computations:
go PreprocessData(in, preOut)
go ProcessStepA(preOut, stepAOut)
go ProcessStepB(stepAOut, stepBOut)
go ProcessStepC(stepBOut, stepCOut)
go PostProcessData(stepCOut, out)
Networking, Templating and Web-Applications
TCP server 範例
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting the server ...")
// create listener:
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error listening", err.Error())
return // terminate program
// listen and accept connections from clients:
for {
conn, err := listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
return // terminate program
go doServerStuff(conn)
func doServerStuff(conn net.Conn) {
for {
buf := make([]byte, 512)
_, err := conn.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading", err.Error())
return // terminate program
fmt.Printf("Received data: %v", string(buf))
是 server 的基本函式,用來監聽並接受 request
- 上面的範例是 IP-address 在 port 3001 透過 TCP-protocol
使用無窮迴圈搭配 listener.Accept()
client side 的 request 會建立出 net.Conn
server 要先啟動,這樣 client 才可以透過 net.Diall()
去建立連接 conn
- Conn 是 interface,用來收發資料,所以 IPv4 / IPv6 / TCP / UDP 都可以共用 interface
透過 conn.Write()
conn, err:= net.Dial("tcp", "") // tcp ipv4
checkConnection(conn, err)
conn, err = net.Dial("udp", "") // udp
checkConnection(conn, err)
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "[2620:0:2d0:200::10]:80") // tcp ipv6
checkConnection(conn, err)
socket 的範例
func main() {
var (
host = ""
port = "80"
remote = host + ":" + port
msg string = "GET / \n"
data = make([]uint8, 4096)
read = true
count = 0
// create the socket
con, err := net.Dial("tcp", remote)
// send our message. an HTTP GET request in this case
io.WriteString(con, msg)
// read the response from the webserver
for read {
count, err = con.Read(data)
read = (err == nil)
function 會回傳 *net.TCPListener
type Error interface {
Timeout() bool // Is the error a timeout?
Temporary() bool // Is the error temporary?
HTTP 是 higher-level protocol than TCP
web-address 透過 http.URL
表達,其中包含了 Path
client-request 透過 http.Request
req 如果是 post form 的話,可以用 req.FormValue("val1")
- val1 是欄位名稱
- 適用於
- 或是先呼叫
var1, found := request.Form["var1"]
func HelloServer(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Println("Inside HelloServer handler")
fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello, " + req.URL.Path[1:])
func main() {
err := http.ListenAndServe("", nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err.Error())
只爬 head 的小爬蟲範例
var urls = []string{
func main() {
// Executes an HTTP HEAD request for all URL's
// and returns the HTTP status string or an error string.
for _, url := range urls {
resp, err := http.Head(url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", url, err)
fmt.Println(url, ": ", resp.Status)
func main() {
res, err := http.Get("")
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
fmt.Printf("Got: %q", string(data))
func CheckError(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Get: %v", err)
其他 http
package 有用的 function
http.Redirect(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, url string, code int)
- 重新導向
http.NotFound(w ResponseWriter, r *Request)
- 回應 404 not found error
http.Error(w ResponseWriter, error string, code int)
- 回應特殊的訊息和 HTTP code
- A useful field of a http.Request object req is: req.Method
- 取得是 GET 或是 POST
透過 w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
可以設定 header
可以取得 content-type
透過 middleware 來做到 panic recover
func logPanics(function HandleFnc) HandleFnc {
return func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
log.Printf("[%v] caught panic: %v", request.RemoteAddr, x)
function(writer, request)
http.HandleFunc("/test1", logPanics(SimpleServer))
http.HandleFunc("/test2", logPanics(FormServer))
驗證 url 的有效性
var validPath = regexp.MustCompile("^/(edit|save|view)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$")
package 的 embedded 寫法
<h1>{{.Title |html}}</h1>
<p>[<a href="/edit/{{.Title |html}}">edit</a>]</p>
<div>{{printf "%s" .Body |html}}</div>
template.Must(template.ParseFiles("edit.html", "view.html"))
把資料轉換至 *template.Template
- 為了 efficiency 的原因,做一次就可以了
建立 page,透過 template 和 struct
templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, tmpl+".html", p)
關於 template 就不多做敘述,需要用到實在另外找資源
主要都是在 template 檔案上面的語法操作
關於 rpc 和 smtp 也不多做敘述
Regular Mistakes and Suggestions
- 不要忘記在終止 buffered writing 的時候使用
- 不要用 global variable 或 shared memory,會在 concurrency 的時候 unsafe
- 使用 JSON 的時候,注意欄位大小寫 -> 是否 exported
- println 只用在 debug
Best practices
- 正確的初始化 slice of maps
- type assertion 總是使用
comma, ok
- 使用 factory 來 建立並初始化 types
- 在會更改 struct 本身時 method 才用 pointer receiver,不然都用 value receiver
- HTML output 生成時總是用
- 字串連接不要用
,因為字串在 golang 是 immutable,所以會一直重新 reallocate 和 copy memory- 建議使用
來做字串的串接 (特別是當串接數量大於 15 後)
- 建議使用
var b bytes.Buffer
for condition {
b.WriteString(str) // appends string str to the buffer
return b.String()
- defer 只有在 return function 的時候會執行,不是在 for loop 結束或其他有限制的 scope
- 即不要 loop 內使用 defer
- slice 本身已經是 reference,不要再傳他的 reference 到 function 內
- 當使用 slice parameter 的時候,不需要再 dereference
- interface 已經是 reference type,不要再用他的 reference
- never use a pointer to an interface type; this is already a pointer
- 傳參數到 function 時,能用 value 就少用 pointer
- 傳 value 是放在 stack
- 傳 pointer 是放在 heap,會有額外的記憶體配置
用到 defer 的情境
- 關閉檔案串流
- 解鎖 mutex
- 關閉 channel
- recover from panic
- 停止 time ticker
- release process
- 停止 CPU profiling and flushing the info
- goroutine signaling a waitGroup
Performance Advices
- 因為 string 是 immutable,所以要另外建立新的 string
str := "hello"
c := []rune(s)
c[0] = 'c'
s2 := string(c) // s2 == "cello"
取得 substring
substr := str[n:m]
對 string 做 loop
// gives only the bytes:
for i:=0; i < len(str); i++ {
... = str[i]
// gives the Unicode characters:
for ix, ch := range str {
找尋 string 的 number of bytes 和字元
// 取得 number of bytes
// 取得 number of characters
// 或
// 最快的方法
// with a bytes.Buffer
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var s string
fmt.Print(buffer.String(), "\n")
// 或
Strings.Join() // using Join function
str1 += str2 // using += operator
array 和 slice 的操作
// 建立 array
arr1 := new([len]type)
// 建立 slice
slice1 := make([]type, len)
// 初始化 array
arr1 := [...]type{i1, i2, i3, i4, i5}
arrKeyValue := [len]type{i1: val1, i2: val2}
// 初始化 slice
var slice1 []type = arr1[start:end]
// 切掉最後一個元素
line = line[:len(line)-1]
// loop
for i:=0; i < len(arr); i++ {
... = arr[i]
for ix, value := range arr {
Structs, Interfaces and Maps
// Creation
type struct1 struct {
field1 type1
field2 type2
ms := new(struct1)
// initialization
ms := &struct1{10, 15.5, "Chris"}
// or
ms := Newstruct1{10, 15.5, "Chris"}
func Newstruct1(n int, f float32, name string) *struct1 {
return &struct1{n, f, name}
// testing if a value implements an inerface
if v, ok := v.(Stringer); ok { // test if v implements Stringer
fmt.Printf("implements String(): %s\n", v.String());
// type classifier
func classifier(items ...interface{}) {
for i, x := range items {
switch x.(type) {
case bool: fmt.Printf("param #%d is a bool\n", i)
case float64: fmt.Printf("param #%d is a float64\n", i)
case int, int64: fmt.Printf("param #%d is an int\n", i)
case nil: fmt.Printf("param #%d is nil\n", i)
case string: fmt.Printf("param #%d is a string\n", i)
default: fmt.Printf("param #%d's type is unknown\n", i)
// creation
map1 := make(map[keytype]valuetype)
// Initialization
map1 := map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
// loop
for key, value := range map1 {
// testing if a key value exists in a map
val1, isPresent = map1[key1]
// deleting a key in a map
delete(map1, key1)
// recovering to stop a panic terminating sequence
func protect(g func()) {
defer func() {
log.Println("done") // Println executes normally even if there is a panic
if x := recover(); x != nil {
log.Printf("run time panic: %v", x)
// opening and reading a file
file, err := os.Open("input.dat")
if err!= nil {
fmt.Printf("An error occurred on opening the inputfile\n" +
"Does the file exist?\n" +
"Have you got acces to it?\n")
defer file.Close()
iReader := bufio.NewReader(file)
for {
str, err := iReader.ReadString('\n')
if err!= nil {
return // error or EOF
fmt.Printf("The input was: %s", str)
// copying a file with a buffer
func cat(f *file.File) {
const NBUF = 512
var buf [NBUF]byte
for {
switch nr, er := f.Read(buf[:]); true {
case nr < 0:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cat: error reading from %s: %s\n", f.String(),
case nr == 0: // EOF
case nr > 0:
if nw, ew := file.Stdout.Write(buf[0:nr]); nw != nr {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cat: error writing from %s: %s\n", f.String(),
The amount of work done inside goroutines has to be much larger than the costs associated with creating goroutines and sending data back and forth between them.
Using buffered channels for performance: A buffered channel can easily double its throughput depending on the context, and the performance gain can be 10x or more. You can further try to optimize by adjusting the capacity of the channel.
Limiting the number of items in a channel and packing them in arrays: Channels become a bottleneck if you pass a lot of individual items through them. You can work around this by packing chunks of data into arrays and then unpacking on the other end. This can give a speed gain of a factor 10x.
// creation
ch := make(chan type, buf)
// loop
for v := range ch {
// do something with v
// testing if a channel is closed
//read channel until it closes or error-condition
for {
if input, open := <-ch; !open {
fmt.Printf("%s ", input)
// Or, use the looping over a channel method where the detection is automatic.
// using a channel to let the main program wait
// semaphore pattern
ch := make(chan int) // Allocate a channel
// Start something in a goroutine; when it completes, signal on the channel
go func() {
// doSomething
ch <- 1 // Send a signal; value does not matter
<-ch // Wait for goroutine to finish; discard sent value
// channel factory pattern
func pump() chan int {
ch := make(chan int)
go func() {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
ch <- i
return ch
// stopping a goroutine
// simple timeout pattern
timeout := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
time.Sleep(1e9) // one second
timeout <- true
select {
case <-ch:
// a read from ch has occurred
case <-timeout:
// the read from ch has timed out
// using an in- and out-channel instead of locking
func Worker(in, out chan *Task) {
for {
t := <-in
out <- t
// templating
// Make, parse and validate a template
var strTempl = template.Must(template.New("TName").Parse(strTemplateHTML))
// Use the html filter to escape HTML special characters, when used in a web context
{{html .}} or with a field FieldName {{ .FieldName |html }}
// Use template-caching
// stopping a program in case of error
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Program stopping with error %v", err)
// or
if err != nil {
panic("ERROR occurred: " + err.Error())
Performance best practices and advice
- 如果可以的話,使用
優於 strings - 使用 slices 優於 arrays
- 使用 arrays 或 slices 優於 map
- 不需要 index 的時候 loop 使用
for range
,會比 loop 每個 element 還快 - 如果 array 的元素大部分是 0 或 nil 的話,使用 map 可以減少記憶體用量
- specify initial capacity for maps
- 定義 method 的時候,使用 pointer to a type (struct) 作為 receiver
- 使用 constants 或 flags 來提取常數
- use caching whenever possible when large amounts of memory are being allocated
- use template caching
sparse: containing many 0 or nil-values